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Aguaymento is a real superfood. This large physalis, also called goldberry, is native to the Peruvian Andes. Their fruits have a bittersweet, exquisite aroma and are one of the top 5 superfoods in Peru. Due to their high antioxidant and vitamin content they’re ideal to boost your immune system. Similar to hot peppers, they should be sowed early in order to be able to harvest pods in time. Physalis only taste good when they have ripened to a uniform yellow-orange color and the papery shell is no longer green.
After sowing they should be lightly covered at 75-77°F with a germination period of up to 3 weeks. The young seedlings must be placed in a cooler place immediately after germination and need a lot of light, otherwise they will get leggy. The further culture is the same as with hot peppers and tomatoes.



Color of ripe pods


Preparation recommendation

Chutney, Jam, Snack

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